Belly liposuction: the aesthetic solution for a perfectly sculpted abdomen

The belly or abdominal liposuction, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that involves removing excess fat located in the abdominal area.

This minimally invasive body contouring solution permanently removes fat cells (adipocytes) from the abdomen. It has become in high demand and can also be combined with other plastic surgery procedures, including breast reduction, tummy tuck and liposuction of other areas of body fat.

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How does liposuction correct tummy imperfections?

Liposuction of the abdomen is an effective solution for removing excess fat in the midsection or abdomen. The abdomen is a special area of the body that requires a large surface area and extensive anatomical knowledge on the part of the surgeon. This, combined with an impeccable surgical technique, will allow you to achieve an excellent result.

On the surface, the belly area is divided into four regions:

  • The epigastrium or upper abdomen.
  • The hypogastrium or lower abdomen.
  • The periumbilical region. The area around the belly button. This area should always be treated to prevent the appearance of fat around the waist.
  • The mesogastrium. Also called the waist. This part connects the upper and lower abdomen.

When the abdomen is too large, or the patient wishes to treat excess fat in other areas of the body, the surgeon should perform successive procedures within a reasonable time frame.

You may be tempted to remove all the fat in one operation. However, the maximum amount of fat that can be easily removed without increasing the risk of complications is 6 liters per liposuction session. So always put safety before beauty!

The right candidate for tummy tuck liposuction in Istanbul

Liposuction is effective for patients who have excess fat on their belly. It is also an excellent procedure for women and men who want to get rid of diet- and exercise-resistant fat deposits.

This phenomenon of highly localized belly fat tends to increase with age. However, patients should not have significant excess skin or marked muscle laxity. Otherwise, it is necessary to turn to abdominoplasty to achieve a flat stomach.

Excess skin can be a problem after significant weight loss or pregnancy. In this case, a tummy tuck can remove loose skin and excess fat from the abdomen. This method can truly sculpt the abdomen.

Unlike tummy tuck, liposuction will not help you remove stretch marks or tighten abdominal muscles. Also keep in mind that liposuction of the abdomen is not a solution for weight loss! In fact, the plastic surgeon recommends this procedure when the patient is close to his or her ideal weight (at least 30%). It can be beneficial once the person has reached their weight loss goals.

How much does a tummy tuck cost in Istanbul, Turkey?

The cost of tummy tuck surgery in Turkey depends on the amount of body fat removed. Each procedure is personal and tailored to your needs, and so is its cost. The price of tummy tuck liposuction can range from €1,800 to €3,000 all inclusive, procedure and stay.

Contact Medespoir Turkey consultants who will help you identify the best solution and price for your tummy tuck in Istanbul.

prix liposuccion Ventre Istanbul Turquie

Preparation phase of tummy tuck liposuction

An initial consultation is necessary for the cosmetic surgeon to learn more about the patient's history, including any medical conditions that may contraindicate surgery. He or she will also make recommendations about certain medications or dietary supplements that you are taking. Blood thinners, aspirin, alcohol and ibuprofen should be stopped the day before the procedure to reduce bleeding. You should also stop smoking as it can slow your healing process.

It is also crucial that the surgeon knows your goals and expectations for the cosmetic procedure during this consultation. He or she will also perform a thorough examination of the problematic fatty areas of your body.
Depending on your weight and skin elasticity, the surgeon will be able to discuss possible outcomes and surgical options specifically for you. After all, you should have realistic expectations. Otherwise, you may feel that the surgery is a complete failure.
Finally, the surgeon must accompany you throughout the process and answer any questions you may have. He or she should also inform you of the possible risks associated with the procedure. During this consultation, the specialist will also give you a detailed cost estimate.

How is tummy tuck liposuction performed?

The tummy tuck procedure takes between one and three hours. It is performed on an outpatient basis without hospitalization, unless the patient has had other surgeries or extensive liposuction in multiple areas.

Belly liposuction is performed under general anesthesia or epidural. With regional anesthesia, you will be conscious but numb from the waist down, so you will feel no pain or discomfort. The plastic surgeon makes small 2 to 3 mm incisions under the groin fold, pubic bone or navel. This allows the scars to be hidden as much as possible in the natural folds of the body.

For the tumescent liposuction technique of the abdomen, the surgeon will inject a mixture of saline, local anesthetic and epinephrine. This solution helps to numb the area and limit the risk of bruising by narrowing the blood vessels. It also helps to dislodge the fat layer and separate it from the surrounding tissue.

Then the surgeon inserts a cannula through the skin incisions. This device breaks up the fat cells using high-frequency vibrations (lipo VASER), a weak laser pulse, or a high-pressure water jet.

The plastic surgeon will connect the cannula to a negative pressure (vacuum) suction system. Then, using a back-and-forth motion, he loosens the fat and sucks it out. He may also choose a thin cannula connected to a syringe that works with a plunger in case of moderate amounts of fat.

Finally, the surgeon will drain any excess blood and fluid. He then closes the incisions and applies a dressing to the treated areas.

resultat liposuccion ventre Turquie

Recovery phase after tummy tuck liposuction

Depending on the volume of fat suctioned, you may experience pain of varying intensity. But don't worry! Painkillers will be prescribed to you to relieve the discomfort involved.

After abdominal lipo, the patient will need to wear a support corset or compression garment. This will support the tissues and reduce the risk of bruising and swelling. In addition, after the operation, it is normal to feel tired. You will be able to return to your normal work and activities after three to seven days.

The surgeon will recommend that you avoid strenuous activity, including sports, for 4 to 6 weeks (but you will be able to walk and move around without any problems).

How do the results of tummy tuck liposuction look?

The results of tummy tuck liposuction will not be noticeable right away. Once the swelling is gone, you will begin to see results: Less bulge and a perfectly contoured figure! Allow 3 to 6 months.

You may also notice some sagging of the skin on the treated areas at first. However, you must give the skin time to retract properly. You can enjoy an additional skin-firming effect if you choose the lipo Vaser. This technique stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, giving you a more toned and firm appearance. However, in rare cases, you may need a tummy tuck to tighten the skin.

The results are not necessarily long-lasting. Even if the fat cells are permanently eliminated, those that remain may increase in size and volume. Therefore, you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle through diet and regular exercise. In the end, it's up to you to maintain your new slim figure!

What are the complications associated with tummy tuck liposuction?

As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of bleeding, clots, infections and scarring. However, some specific complications associated with this cosmetic tummy tuck procedure that are:

  • You may experience numbness in the affected area, but it usually goes away in a few weeks or months at most.
  • Contour irregularities. You may experience undercorrections or a wavy or jagged appearance on the surface of your skin. This can cause the skin to appear less smooth and toned.
  • Fluid accumulation. Also called seromas, these temporary pockets of fluid appear in small areas where you have had liposuction. This fluid buildup can occur if you don't follow your doctor's recommendations for a compression garment and drainage massages.

Why choose Medespoir Aesthetics Turkey for your cosmetic surgery in Istanbul?

With over 20 years of experience, Medespoir Aesthetics is a leading agency in Turkey and around the world in organizing all-inclusive medical and cosmetic surgery stays. We are happy to take care of your liposuction procedure in Turkey and refer you to the best plastic surgeons and prestigious clinics and medical centers in Istanbul. Your health and well-being is our priority.