BodyLift Istanbul : tummy tuck lift best price Turkey

A BodyLift in Istanbul is a body contouring and lower body lift cosmetic surgery that tightens and sculpts the areas below the waistline, namely the buttocks, thighs, hips and abdomen.

This is one of the most highly recommended body lift techniques after major weight loss, as the effects of weight loss from dieting or bariatric surgery are often more pronounced in the aforementioned areas and can leave large folds of excess skin on the body that can cause chafing, discomfort, and decreased mobility.

Through Body Lift, excess sagging skin is removed. The rest of the lower body is also harmonized with the patient's figure to make it more flattering and attractive. Compared to a full body lift, the lower body lift or Bodylift is less invasive.

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What are the benefits of the BodyLift?

Have you lost a lot of weight but still feel like you have an inner tube around your waist?
What can you do to remedy that loose skin that always hangs down in that area?
Or maybe you have extra skin that sags around your hips or thighs?
You can get rid of all of this with a tummy tuck lipectomy, better known as Body Contouring or body lift.

With this body contouring technique, patients can enjoy a range of aesthetic and medical benefits, chief among them the comfort it brings when you exercise and engage in normal daily activities. Sagging skin can weigh you down and even cause you to develop rashes and infections. With a lower body lift, the excess skin, fat and tissue that holds you down is removed, allowing you to move more freely.


Another benefit is improved personal hygiene. Sagging skin can make it more difficult to wash your body. In addition, the folds of your skin can harbor bacteria if not properly cleaned. Therefore, removing excess tissue with a waistline lipectomy can help you take care of your hygiene properly, reducing the risk of irritation and infection.

A Body Lift surgery can also allow for additional weight loss, resulting in a more youthful and slender appearance. It improves your figure and allows you to show off the muscle tone you've built under all that loose skin. You can now wear a wide variety of clothing styles, which boosts your self-esteem and confidence.

Finally, the Body Lift procedure in Istanbul allows you to perform multiple cosmetic surgery procedures at once, reducing discomfort and saving you time and money.

BodyLift prix Turquie

What is the cost of a body lift in Istanbul, Turkey and what does it include?

The price of a Body Lift in Istanbul is from 4300 € including stay. Body lift surgery is very complex and can take several hours to complete. That's why it's always important to go to the best board-certified plastic surgeon to ensure that the surgery is of the highest quality.

As with all cosmetic surgery operations in Turkey with Medespoir Aesthetics, the final price of a Body Lift includes, among other things, the surgeon's and anesthesiologist's fees, clinic fees, accommodation, post-operative care, compression garments, transfers... To receive a personalized quote and schedule a consultation, please fill out this form:

How does a BodyLift work in Turkey?

Your plastic surgeon performs the following steps during a Body Lift procedure:
First, he will administer either a local anesthetic with intravenous sedation or a general anesthetic. Once the anesthesia wears off, your surgeon creates a circumferential incision around your lower abdomen. This is an incision around the waist line, in the lower abdomen and on the inner thighs.

Through the circumferential incision, your surgeon can access and remove the excess skin and fat below the incision line. He or she will also reposition and tighten the tissue in that area. In some cases, liposuction is necessary to remove the fat.


To prevent the appearance of sagging skin, your surgeon will pull up the remaining skin on your thighs and buttocks, while the underlying tissues are also suspended and tightened.


You also have the option of combining the lower body lift with other cosmetic treatments and surgeries, the most recommended of which are the tummy tuck and inner thigh lift.

Once the surgery is complete, the incisions are sutured in layers and covered with bandages and compression garments. Tension is often placed at the deepest levels to prevent the skin from stretching and to give the scar a thicker, wider appearance. Drains may also be placed to control stretching and swelling.

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What are the results of a BodyLift?

A lower body lift provides firmer, smoother skin and an improved silhouette from the waist down. It can permanently repair sagging skin, remove stubborn fat deposits and strengthen weakened underlying muscles.

The circumferential scar resulting from body contouring surgery will be permanent but will become less visible over time. Your surgeon will try whenever possible to place it in a discreet area that will be easily concealed by clothing.

However, as you age, it is natural for your skin and connective tissues to gradually loosen and sag. You are still susceptible to the effects of aging, possible weight gain and other types of damage. Therefore, it is important to continue to maintain your weight, even after surgery.

The incisions are then closed with deep sutures of support and skin. Drains may also be placed to prevent fluid accumulation and infection.

Am I a good candidate for a BodyLift in Istanbul?

Before proceeding with Body Lift in Istanbul, you should consider several factors to determine whether or not you are a good candidate for a lower body lift.

One of the main things to consider is how much weight you have actually lost. If you have experienced extreme or dramatic weight loss and have lost 30-50% of your peak weight, you are a good candidate for a lower body lift.

Another requirement before having a lower body lift is a stable weight. Fluctuations in weight can interfere with the results of the procedure, which is why most plastic surgeons recommend waiting about 18 months to two years after reaching your weight loss goals before undergoing surgery, as this gives your skin enough time to shrink as much as possible and adapt to your new figure.

People considering a lower body lift should not smoke or drink excessively. Smoking and drinking alcohol slows the healing process, which increases the risk of serious complications during and after surgery.

In addition, you should also make sure that you are healthy and do not have any chronic diseases, such as diabetes or heart disease.

You should have realistic expectations about the results of your procedure. After the procedure, you should also commit to maintaining an excellent diet and exercise for the remainder of your facelift to enjoy the results of a Body Lift in Turkey for a long time.

How to prepare for a Body Lift in Istanbul?

Once you have decided to undergo a lower body lift or Body Lift in Turkey, your chosen surgeon will ask you to stop smoking at least six weeks prior to the surgery. Your surgeon may also ask you to reach a certain weight before undergoing this very complex procedure. Body Lift is not a weight loss surgery, so it is important that you reach a stable, ideal weight before surgery.

You should also make arrangements for your recovery even before you have the procedure. You should take time off work and have someone care for you at least two days after the procedure. Remember, your doctor is supposed to discuss his or her surgical plan with you during the consultation. Ask any questions that come to mind at that time to make sure your lower body lift will go well.

How is the recovery period after the Body Lift?

Immediately after your surgery, expect to wear bandages and some compression garments over your surgical sites. Drains may also be placed to prevent fluid accumulation. Oral pain medication is given to relieve pain. You may need to spend about two days in the hospital before you can leave. You may need to take two to three weeks off work while you recover.

It is important that you avoid strenuous activity for four to six weeks after surgery. However, walking every day can certainly help speed up the healing process. Just be sure not to engage in a full workout program until six to eight weeks after surgery.

The discomfort usually dissipates within one to two weeks after your lower body lift. Your sutures will also be removed after two weeks. However, complete healing of the circumferential incision may take four weeks or more.

The bruising begins to disappear within the first few weeks after the procedure, but the swelling takes longer to resolve, usually within a few months. Lower body lift scars are permanent, but they begin to fade after about 12 months. They can also be concealed by clothing.

What are the side effects

Temporary side effects of a Body Lift include inflammation, bruising, numbness, nausea, disorientation, allergic reactions and general discomfort. These effects disappear on their own over time, but you can minimize them by following your plastic surgeon's advice and instructions before and after the procedure.

Can I combine my BodyLift with other procedures?

You may choose to combine Body Lift with other cosmetic surgery procedures to enhance results.

Abominoplasty or Tummy Tuck

One of the most combined operations with a BodyLift is the abdominal plasty or abdominoplasty. This surgery is ideal for people with loose, sagging skin on the stomach, as well as those whose abdominal muscles are weakened by pregnancy or sudden weight loss. It can help eliminate loose skin, tighten muscles and remove stubborn fat deposits in the abdominal area.

Thigh Lift

The inner thigh lift is another treatment that can be combined with a Body Lift. It is ideal for patients who have difficulty eliminating excess inner thigh fat through diet and exercise. It also addresses loss of skin elasticity due to the aging process or extreme weight loss.

What are the alternatives to surgical body lift?

There are several non-surgical alternatives you can use if you don't want to go under the knife.
One of these is lipomassage or Endermologie, which is a patented slimming technology that uses a small tool to break down fat, stimulate collagen production that improves skin elasticity and help the body naturally drain accumulated fluids.

The cryolipolysis also destroys fat by cold, which will be naturally evacuated by the body.

Propelled light treatments are also an excellent alternative. Light treatments heat the deep layer of the skin to break down fat deposits. Your plastic surgeon uses a small handheld device that emits laser, infrared or LED light on the affected areas, liquefying fat cells in several sessions.

Ultrasonic cavitation is similar to light treatments in that it attempts to remove stubborn fat deposits without disturbing the epidermis. However, this one uses sound wave frequencies instead of light.

Other treatments focused on sagging skin include botulinum toxin injection and dermal fillers, fat-dissolving injections, laser skin resurfacing, and topical creams and lotions.

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