Breast asymmetry: causes and silences in Turkey

Breast asymmetry means having breasts that do not look the same. The difference can be in their size, shape and/or projection.

For example, one breast may be rounder, or less prominent, or smaller in size than the other. This difference between the two breasts is usually minor and does not worry patients. However, in many young women and adolescents, it can cause anxiety, embarrassment, and psychological distress.

Breast asymmetry correction surgery in Istanbul, Turkey is usually offered to women who are not satisfied with the symmetry of their breasts.

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What are the techniques for correcting breast asymmetry?

The only way to correct breast asymmetry is through cosmetic and reconstructive breast surgery. Your plastic surgeon will offer a wide variety of surgical options to correct uneven breasts, and the choice of surgery usually depends on your specific case.

Breast asymmetry correction surgery can involve one or both breasts, and often includes a combination of procedures to achieve the desired goals.
Here is the list of possible procedures and solutions to correct uneven breasts:

Breast augmentation with implants

This is a procedure used to correct breast deformities and asymmetry, and to increase the size of your breasts during the same surgery. If you have asymmetrical breasts and prefer the appearance of your larger breast, the surgeon may insert an implant into the smaller breast to increase its size. If both breasts are to be enhanced, implants of two different sizes can be used to correct any asymmetry and enhance the size of your breasts.

Breast augmentation with fat grafting or lipofilling

Fat grafting or fat transfer is a less invasive and more natural technique to evenly increase breast size and correct difference in size and/or shape. It is a way to correct uneven breasts without the use of implants.

Fat grafting allows the surgeon to precisely adjust the size and shape of your breasts. During this procedure, the surgeon removes fat through liposuction from other parts of your body. He or she then purifies the fat and carefully injects it into your breasts to adjust their size and shape with great precision.

Breast Reduction

If you prefer the smaller breast size, the surgeon will reduce the size of your larger breast to an equal size. The procedure involves removing excess tissue on one side and can be combined with breast implants or augmentation on the other side for the best possible cosmetic results.

Breast lift or Mastopexy

If you have sagging and deflated breasts that look different from one another, a breast lift is a must in your procedure. During a mastopexy, the surgeon will lift your breasts into their normal position and realign your nipples higher. This procedure can be combined with fat grafting, breast implants or breast reduction, depending on your case and wishes. In all cases, a breast lift can treat breast asymmetry and give you firmer, younger-looking breasts.

Asymétrie mammaire

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See Patient Guide

Who is the right candidate for breast corrective surgery?

Breast asymmetry corrective surgery is an invasive surgery, so you must meet certain criteria to avoid complications and achieve the best possible results. You are a good candidate for breast corrective surgery if you:

  • You have had a stable weight for 6 to 12 months
  • You do not plan to get pregnant again
  • You have stopped breastfeeding for more than 6 months
  • You do not smoke, or you can quit completely 4 to 6 weeks before the procedure
  • You have chronic medical conditions under control (hypertension, diabetes, etc.)
  • You can accept a small scar on your breast
  • Have realistic expectations about your results

How much does breast asymmetry correction cost in Turkey?

The price of asymmetrical breast correction in Turkey starts at €2000 but varies considerably depending on your specific case. Some people may only need one procedure, others may need a combination of procedures to equalize their breasts.

The cost of breast asymmetry correction in Istanbul, Turkey offered by Medespoir includes the fees of the clinic where you will undergo the breast correction surgery and the fees of the surgeon and anesthetist as well as the stay.

Contact our consultants now, they will give you an approximate quote after our surgeon reviews your case and determines what needs to be done to even out your breasts.

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Patient guide

What are the results of asymmetrical breast correction?

Results can vary from patient to patient, and breast asymmetry surgery will not prevent future aging of your breasts. Scars from a surgery are usually well hidden under the breast crease, but in some cases, a scar may be visible on the lower pole of your breasts.

The surgeon uses state-of-the-art techniques in all of his cosmetic breast surgery procedures to ensure minimal scarring. In most cases, scars fade and become much less visible over time.

Corrected in this way, your breasts are symmetrical and provide many benefits:

Psychological benefits

Whatever the cause of breast asymmetry, there is evidence that asymmetrical breasts can lead to decreased self-confidence and impaired mental health in young women and adolescent girls.

More confidence

Correcting your asymmetrical breasts at any age can give you more confidence when wearing swimwear, sexy lingerie.

Better body proportions

Beauty is all about perfect proportions. By having your asymmetrical breasts corrected, you will have the opportunity to change their size and shape to better match the proportions of the rest of your body.

What is the postoperative course of breast asymmetry surgery?

Full recovery from breast asymmetry correction surgery and return to normal daily activities may take several weeks. During this time, you will notice some of these symptoms that should subside as the days go by: Swelling, Bruising, Mild pain, numbness of the nipple or breast skin.
You will need to rest for 2 to 3 weeks, during which time you should avoid strenuous activity.