Canthoplasty Istanbul all-inclusive price to refine and rejuvenate eye corners

What is canthoplasty?

A canthoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that involves reshaping the corner of the eye.

Canthoplasty is a reconstructive surgery procedure that corrects sagging or drooping of the outer corner of the eye by elevating the canthal angle to achieve a larger, brighter eye. Canthoplasty is also known as a fox eye lift or Foxy Eye!

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What is the difference between a canthoplasty and a blepharoplasty?

Canthoplasty should not be confused with another type of eyelid surgery, lower eyelid blepharoplasty.

A blepharoplasty is performed to rejuvenate the eye by removing excess skin, muscle, and possibly fat from the lower or upper eyelid, but it does not change the shape or size of the eye. In short, a blepharoplasty gets rid of bags under the eyes.

In contrast, a canthoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure designed to lift the outer corner of the eye (the lateral canthus), reshape the eye into a more almond-shaped configuration and enlarge the eye opening. The net result is a brighter, larger, more alert eye.

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Patient Guide

What are the indications for a canthoplasty in Istanbul, Turkey?

Patients consider canthoplasty for a number of reasons:

  • Lower eyelids drooping or sagging, known as ectropion. As we age, the skin and tendons around our eyes can lose elasticity, causing the lower eyelids to droop or become lax, creating a tired or sad appearance.
  • Ocular trauma resulting in laxity or retraction of the lower eyelid may require canthoplasty to correct malposition of the outer corner of the eye.
  • Satisfaction with a previous surgical result: some canthoplasties are performed as revision surgery to correct lower eyelid complications resulting from previous surgery, such as lower eyelid sagging or eversion deformities that overly reveal the white of the eye.
  • Some patients use canthoplasty to achieve an almond-shaped eye by raising a downward sloping eyelid and increasing the horizontal length of the eye.

How is a canthoplasty performed in Turkey?

During your initial consultation, your surgeon will carefully examine the shape and function of your eyes and discuss with you at length what you wish to accomplish with your surgery.

Once you both agree that a canthoplasty is an appropriate choice, your doctor will design the desired shape based on the shape, proportion and symmetry of your eyes.

Your canthoplasty surgery will be performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia and, if necessary, intravenous sedation. The procedure usually takes one to two hours and involves cutting the lower canthal tendon and repositioning or tightening it. An incision is usually made in the natural crease of the outer corner of the eyelid to minimize visible scarring.

The tendon is then pulled to elevate the area where the upper and lower eyelids meet and reattached with stitches. Once the operation is complete, a temporary protective shield is placed over your eyes.

The price of a canthoplasty in Turkey starts at €2000 and you have the option of combining other facial cosmetic surgery such as a facelift or blepharoplasty with this procedure. If you would like to schedule a consultation with Medespoir's eye surgeon in Turkey to discuss your concerns about the appearance or function of your eyelids and to find out what treatments might be right for you, please fill out this online form:

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Patient Guide

How is the recovery from canthoplasty in Turkey?

When you wake up after surgery, if you remove your eye protection, you will notice that your vision is blurry. This is due to an antibiotic ointment that is applied to your eyes to prevent them from drying out during surgery. This ointment will be given to you at home with the instruction to apply it several times a day to the inside of the eye and over the incision to prevent infection.

The recovery from canthoplasty is similar to that of other eyelid surgery: it typically lasts two to three weeks. Most patients experience swelling and bruising, which decreases to a large extent within the first two weeks, but may take several more weeks to completely resolve. Final results will be seen after a few months.

It is especially important to follow your doctor's postoperative instructions during this time to avoid complications and healing of the delicate soft tissue around your eyes. You may be prescribed ointments or eye drops to prevent infection, as well as artificial tears. Steroid drops may be needed to treat eye swelling.

Recovery may be slightly uncomfortable at first. Your doctor may prescribe pain medication if necessary.

You will be advised to avoid splashing your face, as well as rubbing your eyes for at least a month after surgery. Strenuous exercise should be avoided for at least two weeks or until your doctor sees you at follow-up and says it is safe to do so. Makeup will usually be allowed after two weeks.

Are the results of canthoplasty permanent?

Canthoplasties require a very high level of skill and experience to be performed properly. When performed by a highly experienced and board-certified oculoplastic surgeon, the results of a canthoplasty are considered a permanent solution to eyelid malposition, and revision surgeries are rarely needed.

Why choose Medespoir Aesthetics Turkey for your canthoplasty in Istanbul?

Your eyes are one of the most delicate structures in your body. That's why when you seek a surgeon to correct the appearance or function of your eyelids and the structures surrounding your eyes, you need to turn to a surgeon who is highly skilled in this type of very delicate cosmetic surgery.

Medespoir Turkey provides you with the best oculoplastic surgeon in Turkey, who is a de facto ophthalmologist with extensive training in microsurgical eye surgery, followed by highly specialized training in ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery. The health and safety of your eyes is the number one priority in all surgical plans performed by an oculoplastic surgeon.

Our qualified eye doctor in Istanbul, Turkey is able to thoroughly examine your eye, understand any underlying eye disease, and identify potential eye complications or problems that could impact surgery, which a plastic surgeon is simply not able to do. Medespoir Aesthetics, a pioneer in the field of aesthetic and reconstructive surgery in Turkey, has extensive experience in treating functional eye problems that affect patients' vision and eye health, performing surgeries and revising surgeries performed elsewhere that have gone wrong.

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Patient Guide

Are there any risks or complications associated with canthoplasty?

All surgery has risks, but serious complications from a canthoplasty are extremely rare. Swelling and bruising are common during the first few weeks postoperatively and usually disappear within two to three weeks. You may also experience dry eyes, excessive tearing and blurred vision in the first few weeks after surgery.

Your surgeon will go over all the possible risks and complications of your surgery in detail during your preoperative consultation. You will also receive this information in writing for you to review as part of the consent process.

What else does eye surgery in Turkey treat?

Among the conditions we treat are excess eyelid skin or fat, drooping eyelids, wrinkles around the eyes, eyelid reconstruction after tumor removal, excessive tearing, revision of unsuccessful previous eyelid surgeries, abnormally pulled-in (entropion) or pulled-out (ectropion) eyelid margins, and traumatic eye injuries.