Gynecomastia surgery Istanbul: price male breast reduction Turkey

Gynecomastia surgery in Istanbul, or male breast hypertrophy, is a relatively common condition that occurs most often in adolescents. When seen in adolescents, gynecomastia often disappears on its own within a few years

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How to identify gynecomastia?

When gynecomastia is present in adulthood, it is less likely to disappear on its own. Certain medications and hormonal abnormalities can cause male gynecomastia, but the vast majority of cases have no discernible cause. Most men with gynecomastia are very self-conscious and do everything they can to hide it.

Many are reluctant to walk around shirtless, feel uncomfortable at the gym, and tend to wear oversized shirts. At Medespoir Turkey, we have several gynecomastia treatment options in Istanbul, Turkey, including liposuction, Smartlipo and other male breast reduction techniques.

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How gynecomastia is performed in Turkey?

Male breast reduction or gynecomastia surgery involves removing fat and/or glandular tissue from the breasts and, in extreme cases, removing excess skin, resulting in flatter, firmer, more shapely breasts.

Gynecomastia surgery in Istanbul, Turkey can be performed on men of all ages who are healthy and emotionally stable. The best candidates for surgery have firm, elastic skin that will reshape to fit the new body contours. The typical procedure involves a combination of tumescent assisted liposuction and tissue excision (through a small incision hidden in the areola).

Gynecomastia surgery can improve your appearance and confidence. Before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them frankly with the surgeon.

The results of gynecomastia surgery are significant and permanent. If your expectations are realistic, chances are you will be very pleased with your new appearance.

How much does gynecomastia surgery cost in Istanbul?

On average, the price of a male breast reduction starts at £1800, but the exact price will be determined by your individual treatment plan. Patients with pseudogynecomastia generally require less extensive treatment, which may reduce the overall cost.

The price listed above includes a variety of items necessary for a successful procedure such as compression garments, prescribed medications, surgeon's fee, anesthesia, pre-admission testing, clinic fees, etc. To get a more accurate price estimate for your particular male breast enlargement case, please contact us today to schedule a consultation with the gynecomastia surgeon in Istanbul, Turkey

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How does gynecomastia surgery in Istanbul work?

Male breast reduction involves removing fat and/or glandular tissue from the breasts and, in extreme cases, removing excess skin, resulting in flatter, firmer, and more shapely breasts.

Gynecomastia surgery in Istanbul, Turkey can be performed on healthy, emotionally stable men of any age. The best candidates for gynecomastia surgery in Turkey have firm, elastic skin that will reshape to fit the new body contours. The typical procedure consists of a combination of tumescent assisted liposuction and tissue excision (through a small incision hidden in the areola).

Gynecomastia surgery can improve your appearance and confidence. Before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them frankly with the surgeon.

The results of gynecomastia surgery in Turkey are radical and permanent. If your expectations are realistic, chances are you will be very pleased with your new appearance.

What causes gynecomastia?

A decrease in the hormone testosterone, usually accompanied by an increase in the hormone estrogen, causes most cases of gynecomastia. These hormonal fluctuations can be typical of different phases of life and can affect infants, children entering puberty and older men.


Andropause is a phase in a man's life that is similar to menopause in women. During andropause, the production of male sex hormones, particularly testosterone, declines over several years. This usually occurs around middle age. The resulting hormonal imbalance can lead to gynecomastia, hair loss and insomnia.


Although the bodies of adolescent males produce androgens (male sex hormones), they also produce estrogen, a female hormone.

At puberty, they may produce more estrogen than androgen. This can lead to gynecomastia. This condition is usually temporary and fades as hormone levels rebalance.

Breast milk or breast milk

Infants may develop gynecomastia when breast or chest feeding. Because the hormone estrogen is present in breast milk, breastfed infants may experience a slight increase in estrogen levels.


Medications such as steroids and amphetamines can cause a slight increase in estrogen levels. This can lead to gynecomastia. Medications may account for 80% of gynecomastia cases in older adults.

Other medical conditions

Less common causes of gynecomastia include

  • testicular tumors
  • hepatic insufficiency (cirrhosis)
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • chronic kidney disease

Will I have scars from gynecomastia surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of scarring after gynecomastia surgery. When performed by a board-certified surgeon, scarring can be limited through innovative techniques. The surgeon is able to make incisions in discreet areas around the breast that are usually indistinguishable and can be easily concealed.

Often, liposuction is used in conjunction with gynecomastia, which also requires small incisions. Because these incisions are so small, the scar should be barely noticeable after complete healing.

If it is true gynecomastia and not pseudo gynecomastia, with the need to reduce the glandular breast tissue, incisions are usually made around the areola. Any scarring in this area will often blend into the darker skin tone of this area upon healing.

How is the postoperative course of events?

The total recovery time may vary from patient to patient. It is generally recommended that patients take at least seven to 10 days off work to allow their bodies to recover. A compression garment will be worn for the first six weeks following the male breast reduction procedure.

You should avoid strenuous activity, especially lifting, for four to six weeks after the procedure. It usually takes three to six months for patients to heal completely and for the bruising and swelling to subside. At this point, scars will have begun to shrink and fade, although some patients may take up to a year to heal to the point where scars are no longer visible.

What is the difference between true gynecomastia and pseudo gynecomastia?

True gynecomastia and pseudo gynecomastia both are characterized by an increase in breast size, but each case has different causes.

True gynecomastia is characterized by excess volume in the breast, primarily due to excessive development of breast tissue, while pseudo-gynecomastia is made up of an accumulation of extra fat.

True gynecomastia can sometimes be accompanied by excess fat, which can be treated, if necessary. Both cases of gynecomastia can be treated in Turkey with gynecomastia surgery performed by our board-certified plastic surgeon at Aram Clinic in Istanbul.

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