Implants All On 4 Istanbul : prices for placing dental implants All-on-4 Turkey

The placement of All-on-4 implants in Istanbul is a dental implant procedure that can replace all upper and/or lower teeth with only four artificial roots instead of one implant for each tooth. This method of dental implantation facilitates the surgery itself and its follow-up.

Patients who replace their dentures with All-on-4 dental implants can care for their teeth as they would natural teeth, by brushing and flossing. Unlike dentures, All-on-4 implants are permanent, so they stay in your mouth and attached to your gums.

Traditional dental implants use one screw to anchor each tooth. But All-on-4 dental implants use only four screws to anchor your entire set of teeth.
The use of only four artificial roots instead of one per tooth makes the procedure itself less invasive. In addition, patients who were not candidates for dental implants due to insufficient bone density to support an implant can benefit from this option.

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What are the benefits of All-on-4 dental implants?

The processing is fast

With the All-on-4 technique, your surgeon can place your dentures on the same day as your implants, which means you can use your new smile immediately! You don't have to wait long to enjoy the cosmetic benefits of restoring your teeth.
All-on-4 offers a quick solution and better results than traditional dentures. In fact, installation times for All-on-4 implants are shorter than other implants and once the implants are in place, additional bone loss in the jaw is often avoided.

Recovery time is reduced

It is convenient to have a full arch restoration using only four implants. As a result, the treatment takes little time to perform in the dental chair and the recovery period is significantly reduced.

All-on-4 implants reduce the need for bone grafting

The All-on-4 concept reduces the need for bone grafting, even in patients who have been told they cannot have implants. In fact, All-on-4 treatment provides increased stability of existing bone tissue through the use of angled implants that overcome any jawbone deficiency. Even patients who have experienced bone loss can benefit from All-on-4 implants.

Comfort is improved

Traditional dentures slip and shift in the mouth. Without a proper anchor to hold them in place, dentures become uncomfortable. People who wear traditional dentures often smile less and have difficulty eating the foods they once enjoyed.
All-on-4 implants offer a solution to this problem by creating an anchor that can attach to a custom-created implant. Because the implant is securely attached to the four anchors, it does not move in the mouth. As a result, with All-on-4 technology, patients can smile, chew, and engage in all the activities they have enjoyed their entire lives. This makes All-on-4 implants and dental restoration much more comfortable than traditional dentures.

No dental adhesive needed

With traditional dentures, patients still have to worry about their dentures falling out or slipping when they eat, speak or smile. Dental adhesive is used to hold traditional dentures in place, but because All-on-4 implants are securely attached to four solid anchors in the mouth, there is no need for dental adhesive. And you don't have to worry about your teeth falling out of your mouth! With All-on-4, four implants in the jaw support a full fixed bridge. There's no need for dental adhesive!

prix implants dentaires All-On-4 Istanbul

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Patient guide

Who can be a candidate for All-on-4 implants?

All-on-4 dental implants are very appropriate for anyone facing complete tooth loss in their upper or lower jaw, but also in both jaws, who wants a permanent set of beautiful teeth. All-on-4 implants offer people the opportunity to lead a healthy life by replacing teeth with implants on removable dentures.
The ideal candidate for All-on-4 dental implants is someone who already has dentures or is missing several teeth and would prefer to find an alternative, more permanent method of replacing their teeth.
In addition, it is an ideal procedure for someone who does not have the bone density to support a full set of individual implants, the time to place individual implants or the budget to pay for them. The All-on-4 implant placement procedure is faster and more affordable. This procedure is very well tolerated by most people and may be suitable for patients with osteoporosis or diabetes who may not be suitable for traditional dental implants.

How much does it cost to have All-on-4 implants placed in Istanbul, Turkey?

The price of an All-on-4 implant placement procedure in Istanbul from one patient to another, but also of the preparations necessary for the successful placement of dental implants.
Countries like Turkey offer All-on-4 implants in Istanbul at affordable prices starting at €2800 with excellent results.
You can request your free quote so that you can perform a free comprehensive diagnosis. You will receive a personalized quote for the installation of your All-on-4 in Istanbul.

resultat pose implants all-on-4

How does All-on-4 dental implant placement work in Istunbul, Turkey?

An initial consultation with the dental surgeon is necessary to determine suitability for All-on-4 treatment. The dental surgeon will discuss the surgery with you in more detail and will need to know your medical history. All-on-4 dental implant placement typically takes about two hours and 30 minutes per arch.
. The process of placing All on 4 dental implants is described in four phases:

First step:

A detailed examination where the dentist will review your records, existing conditions, if you have a denture, what the facial structure needs and any other factors that may come into play when placing your dental implants.

The second step:

The next step is to perform a 3D scan that will show your jaws, muscles and other facial structures in detail. This will allow the dentist to closely examine the condition of your jaws and assess the quality and quantity of available bone.
This particular treatment requires patients to have good bone density toward the front of the mouth, where the bone naturally tends to be thicker and stronger.This is why this treatment can be so beneficial for patients who have lost significant amounts of bone over the years.
With the help of the scanner, the dental surgeon will be able to accurately plan the position of each implant.

The third step:

This involves creating a computer simulation of the implants, which the dentist digitally places in the jawbone in the appropriate location to provide the best support for your replacement teeth. The dentist can adjust the implants as needed and fabricate your new teeth to your specifications.

The fourth step:

Finally, the most important step is the oral surgery. A surgical guide is produced prior to the insertion of the dental implants, allowing the doctor to accurately place the implants with minimal incisions. Once the implants are in place, a temporary prosthesis will be put in place so that you can eat and speak without fear of discomfort and the dentist will take great care to ensure that they look good.
Once the dental implants have healed and integrated with your jaw, you can return to the dental office to have them placed on your permanent teeth.

What is the outcome of dental implant in Turkey?

One of the best things about All-on-4 dental implant placement is the fact that patients immediately enjoy the full functionality of their new teeth! Although you will need to eat a liquid or soft diet for a few days after the procedure due to gum sensitivity, you will be able to eat, drink and speak normally very quickly!

With a little care, your All-on-4 implants and prostheses and your bright smile will certainly last at least 10 years and, probably, much longer.