Liposuction Istanbul best price fat removal in Turkey

Liposuction in Istanbul is a procedure that precisely targets and removes localized fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. It helps to sculpt and reshape certain areas of the body, such as the stomach, buttocks, hips, love handles, saddlebags, thighs, calves, ankles, breasts, back, arms and neck.

Liposuction is often combined with other procedures such as tummy tuck and breast augmentation or reduction to create the desired body shape. It is the procedure of choice for those seeking to slim and rejuvenate their contours. Needless to say, it is one of the safest and most practiced cosmetic treatments in the world.

What are the indications and benefits of liposuction in Turkey?

One of the most obvious benefits of liposuction is fat removal. Although not strictly considered a weight loss procedure, this liposuction technique can help eliminate unwanted pockets and bulges of fat that accumulate disproportionately in various areas of the body.

Because of the removal of fat weighing approximately 10 pounds or less, liposuction can be beneficial to your overall health. The weight loss that liposuction contributes to can reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer. It can also boost your self-esteem, as liposuction is designed to smooth and shape your figure and improve your overall appearance.

In some cases, it can also reduce the appearance of cellulite, caused by fat cells breaking through the collagenous tissues of the skin, causing a dimpled appearance.

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Who is the right candidate for liposuction in Turkey?

You are a good candidate for liposuction in Turkey if you have minimal excess skin and good skin elasticity. Although there is no upper age limit for this procedure, skin loses elasticity with age, which can compromise results.
Patients with good elasticity tend to have the most aesthetically pleasing results. Therefore, it is important to manage your expectations, especially if you are in the older age range.
You are also a good candidate for this fat removal procedure if you have localized fat deposits in your abdomen, arms, thighs or neck that do not disappear with diet or exercise. However, you must also be at a stable weight and no more than 30 to 40 pounds overweight.
Keep in mind that liposuction is not a weight loss solution and can only remove a maximum of 5 liters at a time, so if you want to lose a huge amount of weight, this procedure is not for you. Pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as people with health problems that may interfere with healing, are also not recommended to undergo liposuction.

What is the cost of liposuction in Istanbul?

The price of liposuction in Turkey is between €1000 and €3000. Compare that to the price of liposuction in France where prices are €3000 to €12000. You can see the incredible savings potential. Not only the price of the operation itself, but also the fact that you can benefit from a full stay included in the price, as well as transfers to get to all your appointments. It's easy to see why so many people choose to have liposuction in Turkey. Take advantage now and schedule your liposuction with Medespoir Turkey:

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What areas of the body are treated with liposuction in Istanbul?

The advantage of liposuction is that it is beneficial for different parts of the body, depending on your problems.
The most common area treated with liposuction is the abdomen, as the lower abdomen tends to be resistant to dieting and exercise and makes even the most active and fit people feel insecure.
Most abdominal fat below the skin can be removed, but fat deep in the abdomen and between the intestines cannot be removed because of the risk of serious complications.
The flanks are also an area frequently treated with liposuction, as this is where the love handles are located. Liposuction of the flanks is usually done under local anesthesia, so that the patient can turn around and allow the surgeon access to the back.
This procedure can also be performed on the hips, as this is a common problem area for women. However, they usually require additional surgery to achieve the desired contour.
Liposuction of the thighs is also possible but is generally not recommended due to swelling and longer recovery time. Liposuction of the arms and breasts generally has a high rate of patient satisfaction. Other areas of the body that can be treated with this procedure are the face, neck and chin.

What are the liposuction techniques used in Turkey?

There are several liposuction techniques that the surgeons at Medespoir and Aram Clinic can recommend to get the results you want. You and your surgeon should decide this during your consultation.
In general, liposuction techniques are classified into invasive and non-invasive techniques:

Traditional liposuction

During this traditional liposuction approach, your surgeon inserts a thin tube called a cannula through a small incision. The cannula destroys the fat by injecting a fluid into the surgical site. The destroyed fat is then drawn into the cannula connected to a powerful suction pump. Although invasive, traditional liposuction remains the most commonly used technique in this treatment.

Tumescent liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is the same as traditional liposuction, but uses medications to reduce the risk of developing complications.
With this technique, your cosmetic surgeon injects a special solution into the fat that causes the fat cells to swell, making it easier to isolate and remove them.

Super-humid liposuction

Super-wet liposuction is a variation of tumescent liposuction, but the former uses less fluid to inject. The amount of fluid is usually equal to the amount of fat removed. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

Ultrasonic Liposuction

Ultrasonic liposuction is rapidly gaining popularity because it uses a specialized cannula that emits ultrasonic sound waves to liquefy fat cells and facilitate their removal. With this method, your cosmetic surgeon can remove larger, denser fat deposits as well as tighten the skin around the treated area.

Vaser Liposuction

The lipo Vaser is a specific form of liposuction that emulsifies fat cells with ultrasound and breaks them up further with a probe. This allows your surgeon to easily remove the fat using tubes and without affecting surrounding blood vessels, tissues and nerves.

Laser liposuction

The laser liposuction technique is fast and provides less discomfort and faster recovery time. Laser liposuction is designed to treat sensitive areas such as the neck, jowls, arms and chin. The laser melts fat cells before removing them, reducing swelling and discomfort. There is no downtime and patients can even return to work the next day.
The SmartLipo in Istanbul is another laser technique that is used for finer use, as it can only remove two liters of fat at a time. Scars are minimal and patients can also return to work in a day or two.

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How does liposuction work in Istanbul, Turkey?

Depending on the area(s) of the body to be treated, the patient will receive general or local anesthesia. Depending on the technique used, you may also be injected with fluids to melt the fat.
However, in most techniques, your surgeon creates tiny incisions in the area of the body where the fat deposits will be removed. He or she then inserts a cannula through the incision and into the deep fat layer.
Your surgeon will move the cannula back and forth to break up the fat cells, which will then be suctioned out with a vacuum pump or syringe. It is to be expected that a significant amount of blood and other body fluids will also be aspirated, so you will receive intravenous fluid replacement.
Depending on your doctor's preference, your incisions may be closed with a few stitches or left open. In the latter case, the incisions are closed to reduce the amount of bruising and swelling that may occur after the procedure.

What are the results of liposuction?

The result is immediately visible, but in order to fully appreciate the result of liposuction in Turkey, it is necessary to wait 3 to 6 months. This period is necessary for the postoperative swelling to completely resolve, and for the skin to retract properly. The figure is then more harmonious and better proportioned. However, it is necessary to follow a healthy lifestyle in order to preserve the result of liposuction, as any weight gain is likely to alter the body contours.

Immediately after liposuction, you will see some minimal results from your surgery. Swelling and bruising will mask the initial results. You may also notice that the skin in the treated area appears loose, as it takes some time for your body to adjust to its new shape. It usually takes one to three months for the swelling and bruising to disappear. On the other hand, it may take six months for the skin in the treated area to tighten. Final results will be visible after six months, including a slimmer figure, better-defined muscle tone and reduced cellulite.

How to prepare for liposuction in Turkey?

To prepare for liposuction, you should stop smoking and avoid taking certain medications and supplements that increase bleeding at least six weeks before your scheduled procedure. These can interfere with your natural healing process, so it is best to avoid them.
Your surgeon may also recommend that you meet certain weight criteria or make lifestyle changes before your procedure. Do your best to follow these recommendations to ensure the best results and minimize the risk of complications. Just prior to the procedure, you will receive medications to help you feel comfortable during the procedure. You will also receive general or localized anesthesia, depending on the technique used and at the discretion of your physician.

How is the recovery from liposuction in Turkey?

You will be asked to wear compression garments for the first few days after the procedure. Drains will also be placed at the incision site for fluid drainage, especially after tumescent liposuction. You may also need to take prescription pain medication to minimize discomfort.
Most patients are able to move and walk normally after one week. However, they are still not allowed to do strenuous activities and heavy exercise. You can begin to increase your activity level within two weeks of surgery, but you should avoid strenuous activity for at least a month to give your body time to heal.
You should always continue to monitor your incision site after surgery to avoid complications such as infection, excessive swelling and poor healing.

How to maintain your liposuction results and make them last?

While the results of liposuction are permanent, there is no guarantee against future weight gain. In fact, without proper diet and exercise, patients are more likely to gain weight in areas of the body that were not previously problematic, as the remaining fat cells in other areas will attempt to compensate for the removal of others.

That's why, even after liposuction, it's important to maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise program. You should include more lean protein, calcium-rich dairy products, fresh produce and whole grains in your diet. You should also increase your water intake and reduce your consumption of processed foods.

Exercise is also important for keeping off unwanted pounds and increasing muscle definition. In addition to its wellness benefits, exercise can also help you maintain a slim, toned figure and reduce your risk of heart disease. You should do some type of physical activity at least five times a week. These activities include walking, jogging, biking, swimming, dancing and yoga.

What are the side effects of liposuction?

Temporary side effects of liposuction include swelling, bruising and discomfort. However, these effects should dissipate within a few weeks of the procedure.
Although liposuction is considered a safe surgery, it still carries a number of risks. Possible complications include infection, prolonged healing time, allergic reaction to anesthesia, fat or blood clots, excessive fluid loss, fluid buildup, friction burns, scarring, numb skin, changes in skin pigmentation, skin or nerve damage and damage to vital organs.
To minimize these risks, patients are advised to always follow their doctor's postoperative instructions. If these rare complications occur, inform your plastic surgeon immediately.

Combining liposuction with other procedures

Patients often undergo liposuction in combination with other procedures to achieve more comprehensive and aesthetic results. Body contouring surgery, such as tummy tucks, thigh lifts, body lifts, arm lifts and breast reduction, can be combined with liposuction.
Fat grafting or lipofilling is also a procedure that is performed in conjunction with liposuction. With this procedure, your surgeon can reduce the size of one area and enhance another area. Your surgeon performs liposuction in one area and then purifies the fat cells to separate them from the surrounding fluid. The purified fat cells are then injected into another area to give it a rounder silhouette.

What are the gentle alternatives to liposuction?

If you don't feel like going under the knife to get rid of your excess fat, you can opt for non-surgical alternatives to liposuction. There's ultrasound fat reduction, in which your cosmetic surgeon applies an ultrasound device to the treatment area that breaks down fat cells. This allows your body to get rid of the destroyed fat cells over a period of time, as they are moved to the liver and metabolized by the body. It also helps to stimulate collagen production and improve skin elasticity. Other solutions include cryolipolysis, mesotherapy, endermology and jet treatments.

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