Istanbul thigh lift: Best price Cruroplasty Turkey all inclusive

A Thigh Lift in Istanbul is a procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the thighs, resulting in smoother skin and a more refined tone to the upper legs.

Called cruroplasty, the cross leg lift is typically performed after massive weight loss, but stubborn pockets of fat and loose, sagging skin remain on the legs.

Thigh lift in Turkey is usually combined with thigh lift liposuction to remove larger fat deposits while tightening the skin in this area, resulting in more proportionate lower body contours.

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Indications: when to have a thigh lift

You should consider a facelift if you have excess soft tissue along the inner and/or outer region of your legs. This excess may have been caused by weight loss due to bariatric surgery, previous pregnancy, dieting or exercise. Aging may also have led to the appearance of cellulite and sagging skin on the thighs, in which case a thigh lift can help.

Before proceeding with a thigh lift, you must have achieved your weight loss goals and have maintained a stable weight for 12 to 18 months. Further weight loss will only cause further sagging of your tissues. You must also be able to commit to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, even after your thigh lift, to preserve the results of your surgery.

Lifting des cuisses prix Turquie

What is the cost of a thigh lift in Istanbul, Turkey?

The price of a thigh lift in Istanbul is from €1800. Many factors must be considered in calculating the cost, such as the amount of excess skin and fat, its location, the diagnosis, the surgeon's qualifications, the necessary medications and supplies, the anesthesia used, other combined treatments and the location of the operation.
Most of the time, insurance policies do not cover thigh lifts.
For more information on pricing and coverage of your thigh lift in Istanbul by the best surgeons in Turkey, schedule your consultation by filling out this form :

What are the benefits of a thigh lift?

One of the main benefits of cruroplasty is to give the legs a firmer, more youthful appearance, especially for people who have lost a lot of weight. The inner thighs are one of the most common problem areas for women trying to lose weight, as they stubbornly resist diet and exercise after massive weight loss. With thigh lift surgery, patients can now flaunt their weight loss results with confidence and high self-esteem.

Thigh lift surgery is also beneficial in terms of comfort, as the removal of excess skin can decrease the risk of irritation or infection from rubbing skin folds. It also allows for better personal hygiene, as cleaning the skin folds can be difficult. Without this excess skin, exercise and daily activities also become easier and more comfortable to do.
Sagging skin can also make it difficult to find clothes that fit you. With a thigh lift, you have a wider choice of clothing because you no longer have to worry about your legs looking unsightly. You can wear shorts and bikinis with no problem.

Lifting des cuisses avant après

How is the thigh lift surgery performed in Turkey?

Just before your thigh lift, your surgeon will mark the areas to be lifted to serve as a surgical guide and help you understand where the incisions will be placed on your thighs. An anesthesiologist will then administer general anesthesia or local anesthesia with intravenous sedation, depending on what you and your surgeon decide beforehand.

The incisions vary depending on the area, technique, degree of correction, and patient and surgeon preferences. For inner thigh surgery, the incision is typically made in the groin area, while the lateral thigh lift requires a V-shaped incision that may extend to the hips or buttocks.

Through the incision, your surgeon will remove small amounts of fatty deposits and soft tissue to tighten your thighs. The skin will also be reduced and redraped, resulting in more proportionate body contours.

The incisions are then closed with deep sutures of support and skin. Drains may also be placed to prevent fluid accumulation and infection.

What are the thigh lift techniques?

An arm lift procedure includes the following steps to tighten the skin on the arms:

There are different types of thigh lift techniques to choose from, depending on your preferences and your surgeon's recommendations. These techniques differ in the size and shape of the incision, as well as the area to be treated.

Inner thigh lift

The inner thigh lift targets fat in the inner areas and treats reduced skin elasticity in this area caused by extreme weight loss or aging. It involves an incision in the groin area and follows the contour of the thong, meaning it goes from the groin to the lower abdomen, then on either side of the pubic mound near the vulva, and finally continues to the buttock crease. Through this incision, your cosmetic surgeon accesses the underlying tissue and removes a piece of skin and fat from the area. He also tightens the remaining skin by pulling it upward to improve the contour of the legs.

Vertical thigh lift

Also known as a medial thigh lift, the vertical thigh lift also targets the inner area, but only its upper portion. Although the vertical thigh lift produces greater improvement than the medial thigh lift, it leaves a visible scar on the inner legs. Your cosmetic surgeon makes an incision similar to the internal facelift, which extends from the groin to the back of the buttock crease. In some cases, it even extends to the hip area. Sometimes vertical incisions are also made from the groin to the inside of the knee, allowing your surgeon easier access to the underlying problem. Your surgeon will then lift the skin and remove excess skin and fat to tighten and improve the shape of your legs.

Lateral thigh lift

The lateral thigh lift is designed to tighten the skin on the front or outside of the leg and buttocks. This technique is ideal for patients with significant skin folds and fat bulges in the outer areas.
During the procedure, your surgeon makes an incision that runs from the top of the leg along the bottom edge of a bikini panty or undergarment, creating a V-shaped incision. This incision may wrap around the hip or buttock, depending on your needs. Your doctor will then remove the excess skin before pulling the remaining skin up and securing it to the same area to smooth and tighten it. The procedure can be performed on one leg or both, in which case it is called a bilateral thigh lift.

Mini thigh lift

This is a modification of the internal facelift that requires only a short horizontal incision in the groin area. It is ideal for patients who have tissue sagging only in the upper third of the inner thighs. Although the results are less visible than other facelift techniques, the mini lift produces minimal scarring, making it a viable choice for women who do not want unsightly scars.

Liposuction is often performed on the upper thigh, but the middle and lower thigh areas will also be suctioned. Next, a crescent-shaped portion of the inner skin is removed just below the junction between the thigh and pelvis. The inner skin is then lifted upward and sutured along the junction, leaving the scar just inside the groin crease.

What are the results of a thigh lift?

The thigh lift results in dramatically improved skin quality in the treated area, as well as slimmer, more youthful legs with attractive contours. However, the results may not be immediately apparent because your legs will be swollen, bruised and covered in compression garments immediately after surgery. It may take a year for your thighs to fully recover and for you to see the final results. Some scars will remain, depending on the type of incision and lift performed.

The overall results are long-lasting, provided you maintain a stable weight. It's natural for your body to lose some firmness as you age, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise can preserve much of your initial improvement.

Leakage and recovery after a thigh lift

Just after your thigh lift, expect to see drains at the incision site to prevent blood and fluid buildup. Compression garments are also used to hold the incisions in place and minimize swelling. You may also experience pain as the anesthesia wears off, but your doctor will prescribe pain medication to ease the discomfort.

During the first 24 hours after surgery, you will need assistance with your usual tasks, as you are not allowed to do strenuous activities during this time. Although you will not be allowed to climb stairs or squat, you are encouraged to take short walks when you are able to in order to improve blood flow to the operated area.

Two days after the procedure, you can shower and wash your legs. Ask for help in carefully removing your compression garment and bandages. Your first follow-up appointment should be one week after your thigh lift surgery.

You may be able to return to work two to three weeks after the procedure, but you may need to wear your compression garments at all times. Some people are able to resume light exercise and driving. You can resume your regular exercise program six to eight weeks later, provided your surgeon clears you for that level of activity.

The thigh lift scars begin to fade two to three months after the procedure and will continue to fade for several months afterwards. You should have fully recovered from your surgery within six months to a year.

What are the non-surgical alternatives to thigh lift in Turkey?

If you don't feel like going under the knife, there are several non-surgical thigh lift solutions you can choose from that will improve the appearance of your legs. However, expect more subtle results than with a surgical procedure.

Laser skin tightening

Another option is laser skin tightening, which encourages collagen production in the thighs, causing a tightening effect on the skin's surface. But while it can certainly improve the tone of your thigh muscles and skin, it cannot eliminate sagging skin.

Cellulite treatments

The VelaShape and VelaSmooth are anti-cellulite treatments that use electrical-optical synergy to tighten thigh skin. It is the combination of radiofrequency energy, infrared energy, vacuum and mechanical massage that increases collagen growth and improves skin tone.

Other cellulite treatments include mesotherapy and Lipo Dissolution.

Cream and lotion-based treatments

If you are patient and willing to wait a long time to see results, you can try using topical creams and lotions on your thighs that promise to tighten your skin. You can also go the traditional route of diet and exercise.

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